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Ragin' Cajuns Study Abroad in Paris

UL Lafayette hospitality management major Brittany Creel shared her study abroad experience through the @myullafayette Instagram account and did a two-day takeover of the UL Lafayette @raginspirit Snapchat account.

She was part of the Paris study abroad program and lived in the City of Light for six weeks while traveling across the continent on the weekends!

Learn more about Study Abroad programs and sign up for more info!



As part of our studies over here in Paris, we were put up to the task of creating a guided tour where we would be leading the class. Our classes focus on tourism promotion and event marketing, our tour had to be reflective of our interests and the subject at hand. With my tour being today, I wanted to give a HUGE thank you to Nancy LaTarte @feteinfrance ! Given that she didn't know me, once I emailed her to explain our excitement at a possible tour she was more than helpful in planning a meetup so we could learn more about her life as a Paris wedding planner. Nancy is from right outside of Chicago and traveled to Paris on a study abroad trip where she fell in love with the city. She pursed her MBA here and met Anne, her business partner, where together they created the successful business known as Fête in France. It was a great time being able to learn about her daily life as a Parisian wedding planner. Study abroad brings people together from all over and truly opens your eyes to possible opportunities that await you from all over the world. If interested in planning your next study abroad, check out @ulstudyabroad for more info! A bientôt




Today our class took a trip to Epernay and WOAH, it was a sight. While we were there we visited the house of Moët and Chandon. It was amazing to listen to the history and story that goes behind every bottle of champagne made here in the region of Epernay. We took a journey down to the caves and were able to learn about the the three different types of champagne this region provides, the fermentation caused by yeast breaking down sugar, and how long it takes each bottle until it's made in to perfection. Another remarkable tour and fun learning experience thanks to @ulstudyabroad and the amazing professors we have at UL! Be on the lookout, our trip is coming to an end very soon so sappy posts are on the way #ulstudyabroad

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What's one of the greatest things about study abroad? The food you get to eat

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As my time in Paris is coming to an end, so is my time sharing all these memories with you. I hope I've been able to spark a little bit of interest in all of you when it comes to studying abroad. It seems so unreal that I've lived here for 6 weeks and it's now time to head back home. No doubt, one of the greatest summers of my life. Thank you Paris for welcoming me with open arms. Thank you @ulstudyabroad for allowing me a chance to learn more about myself and the world around me. I came here a different person and I'm leaving a different person. Hopefully I get to share more of my stories and experiences with you all when I'm back home with my Ragin Cajun family. Au Revoir Paris! Je t'aime UL, a bientôt #ulstudyabroad

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Jul 2, 2017 at 6:33am PDT